Thursday, June 10, 2010

Traveling with a Cat

Hi there;
Well, have you ever thought that you might like to take a trip with your cat and then the idea occurred to you that it would be impossible. Actually that isn't true. The difficulty comes when you decide to take a 4,000 mile trip with a cat and 2 dogs. Difficult but not impossible.
We had to figure out a routine -
where to keep the cat food so the dogs to get it,
where to put the litter box so the dogs don't get into it,
where to keep the cat so she will actually use the litter box,
where to keep the cat during the traveling time each day.
Either we are slow learners or it just simply takes a week or so to get the system in place, i think the later of the 2, but we finally, about a day away from arriving at our cabin, were completely comfortable with the entire process.
By the time we unloaded our stuff at the cabin she, Precious, was exhausted . . see final photo!
Now, believe me, if we can do this you can do anything!

Traveling with a Cat