Thursday, August 5, 2010

musings from a some time alaskan

when we first arrived in early june from arizona i thought i would be spending much of my time inside working on the business and not be too affected by the weather considering it is so unpredictable here. so i settled in for a summer of observing my immediate surroundings from the inside out which, as it turned out, was a good plan.
unlike last year, this has been the rainiest summer most people can remember. we have been here for about 2 months and cumulatively there have been a total of 5 sunny days.
but to be honest, i have been warm, dry and hooked up to the internet but i can easily see that we are growing moss and grass at an unbelievable rate of speed. which, i guess, it isn't too difficult for everything to grow considering the amount of rain and the nearly 24 hours of light. it is amazing how quickly all of it grows with no dark or very little dark. and speaking of no dark, i don't have any trouble sleeping here, in the light but at home it has to be completely dark for me to sleep. what is that all about.
that said, i decided i couldn't spend the entire summer inside so i decided that i would have to embrace at least some of what happens here and much of it continues even with all of the
rain. fishing, camping, walking/hiking, landscaping.
interesting how adaptable i have become in such a foreign land. who would have thought?

musings from a sometime alaskan