Thursday, November 4, 2010

More thoughts of Vietnam

Hi there;
I have decided that I should give you the itinerary of my/our trip before I tell you more about where we were and what we did. ( When I refer to 'we' I mean my friend Angie and I )
Our 1st day in Vietnam was in Saigon (Ho Chi Minh City ). Our 2nd day in was in the Mekong Delta. Our 3rd day was in Nha Trang. Our 4th day was in DaNang. The 5th day was in Ancient City of Hue. The 6th day was in Hanoi. The 7th and 8th days in Ha Long bay. The 9th and final day was back in Hanoi.
To get from Saigon to Nha Trang, from Nha Trang to DaNang from Hue to Hanoi we flew Viet Nam Airlines. From DaNang to Hue we took a 'sleeping' bus, which I will tell you about a little later in the blog post
Now you have an understanding of the trip.
We always stayed in 3 star hotels which means we had 2 twin beds, wi-fi, television (once we even had english speaking t.v. and HBO) and mini bar and always a tea pot with tea bags. The accessories in the bathroom always included: toothbrush & tooth paste and comb along with the normal supplies that are found in hotel bathrooms almost everywhere.
Our rooms were adequate actually, they were rather nice and in most cases the beds were quite comfortable except our room in DaNang. This room was the largest one of them all which really surprised us so, when we opened the door we thought - This is great! I excitedly sat down on the bed only to discover how hard it was. Holy Shit - what is this? It turned out that we were going to be sleeping on box springs. You say to yourself - I'll call the front desk and have them bring up mattresses well, it is not quite that simple. The only person at the front desk who speaks English (sort of) certainly will never understand what a mattress is and why we need one. So we slept on our box spring beds.

Food is always important when talking about going to exotic places actually any place for that matter. How was the food? We loved it, as a matter of fact, we only ate Vietnamese food and it was wonderful. Breakfast was included in the price of our hotel rooms and it included:
baguettes - probably from the French occupation of VietNam along with food that you would normally see at dinner - sliced canned ham (well not at my house but maybe at some houses), rice soup (really tastes like nothing even loaded with salt), beef with vegetables, shrimp, cold noodle salad & hot noodle salad and french fried onion rings, of all things, there is always an omelet station and pho - something like hot broth with 'stuff' in it. Of course there were many more things on the buffet then this, oh yes, canned peaches. I included a photo of the buffet in our hotel in Saigon so you could see what the food looks like.
I thought I would loose weight on this trip but it is obvious I didn't, which, I blame on the food, it certainly couldn't be my lack of will power.
See you soon.

More 1st Impressions of Vietnam