Monday, July 21, 2008


hi there;
well, i caught my first fish today for this year.  i was going to say that i got my first taste of fishing but that really isn't true as last year when britta came up here we caught a king salmon on the kasilof river and halibut in the cook inlet.  we really had a good time fishing then but now i think i am hooked, no pun intended.
on saturday last john and i went king salmon fishing on the kenai river and we were " skunked " and skunked in a big way, not even a bite.  not only that but we had to meet our guide at 5:30am on the river so we could begin fishing a 6am, which is the regulation when you are with a guide ( begin fishing at 6am and complete fishing at 6pm, with a guide ).  the weather was the same as most days here, cool to cold, thick clouds but fortunately i wore my " rubber suit ".  it is made up of a jacket & pants, imagine being dressed for working on a fishing boat. well, that is me.  too bad the color is green and i am a winter.  but that said, i was warmer than i would have been without it, not very attractive but warmer and not really much warmer but protected from the rain, sort of.
now back to our fishing, today.  the day began with a drizzle that turned into a steady rain but that was not going to stop us from getting ourselves organized and off to our friends, chris & ted's to fish on their pier on the upper kenai river.  all we had to do was show up and they provided the expertise, the pier to fish from, the equipment and even the dinner and all we had to do was bring a 12 pk of beer.  what's not to like?  within a 1/2 hour of our fishing i had caught my " red ".  i was so excited!  fortunately for us chris was with us and she helped scooped the fish up with the net and ted did the cleaning.  
i am so hooked now, with all of that help and excitement that we are returning tomorrow morning to see if we can match what we caught today.
i will make sure that you know about my catch of the day if there is one tomorrow and if you don't hear from me about this you will understand.
take care and stay tuned for more truly important info.
have fun


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