Friday, July 18, 2008

it's time to tell some alaska stories, at least ours.

hi there;
well, we are looking at the remaining time here, this year, and it is time to tell you some of our stories, some of the wonderful, some of the interesting, some of the odd and some of the just plain day to day stories of " US ".
you recall in my last missive i showed you the cabin( vintage '07 ) and the " view ".  this time i am including the view of the cabin ( vintage this summer ) and the often seen " view " from this summer.  
we were discussing the weather the other day, it is a topic that most people discuss no matter where they live, and we decided that we have had a total of about 5 or 6 sunny days here this year.  that's cumulatively, now i mean that includes the pieces and parts, even moments, of days and evenings.  as you see from the current photo of the cabin we now have the " view " from inside the cabin also, so i can be warm and dry and still enjoy the out of doors from the indoors.  i think we truly have turned into the motor home people.  these are people who are over 6o and drive the big ass motor homes and when they stop for the night, usually at about 4pm, they get hooked up, settled down, connected to the outside world via t.v. and they never go outside to enjoy the evening.  yikes!
well, i will " let you go now " and send more really important info in a little while.
take care
have fun


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