Friday, July 18, 2008

pizza, pizza, pizza

hi there;
so who doesn't love pizza?  we in phoenix think that pizzeria bianca is amazingly wonderful and is so highly regarded throughout the world that it is listed as one of the top 10 pizza places but to experience their pizza you have to arrive at their door step at about 4pm to stand in line in front of the restaurant in order to put your name on the list so that you might be able to eat dinner before 10pm.  how would it be if we could have that pizza, no lines, a killer view from a second floor plexiglas atrium overlooking the cook inlet and a local brew or an amazing glass of organic wine?  to us it is worth the hour drive from our cabin with amazing scenery the entire way no matter the weather and the road conditions.  well, what does that mean the road conditions?  i guess, at this time of year, it is about the motor homes that are driven by guys over 60, you know the ones who pull into rv parks and watch t.v. for the evenings.  
well, back to pizza.  finn's is the name of our pizza place in homer, alaska at the end of the piece of land called " the spit " and no matter the weather we are able to sit upstairs, enjoying the fragrances from the cooking/baking, looking out at the activities on the beach, watching the gulls vying for the remains of the catch of the day ( finn's is located among the charter fishing businesses on " the spit " ) and having the most wonderful adult beverage.  it is like the most wonderful reward.  
we have been so fortunate to be able to say that finn's pizza is now part of our alaska experience.
you need to come and see what i am talking about.
enjoy the photos, i do and every time i see them i think of how wonderful it was each time i went there.
well, more to follow.  be careful as it is coming your way soon.
take care
have fun

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